The 2024 Goalkeepers Report highlights malnutrition, a factor in 50% of child deaths globally, as a critical concern for Africa. But more importantly, the report proffers actionable solutions to the problem, according to Dr. Paulin Basinga, the Director of Health, Nutrition, and Population at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). With 400 million children affected annually, this issue hampers cognitive development and, consequently, the potential of future generations. The report advocates the use of innovative solutions like fortifying food with essential nutrients, empowering smallholder farmers, and introducing multiple micronutrient supplements to overcome this challenge. Beyond these, Dr. Basinga calls for increased funding for global health programs and urges involving Africa’s youth in advocacy efforts to drive change. The report serves as a crucial tool for driving action and emphasizes that addressing malnutrition is vital for Africa’s future prosperity.


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