Carnivalists, other participants and residents should head to The Tabernacle in Powis Square W11 2AY on Thursday evening (7-9pm) for the annual post-carnival Residents’ Meeting.

This is your chance to provide feedback – and perhaps counter misinformation – about Notting Hill Carnival 2024.

The meeting is the best opportunity you’ll have to hold to account the organisers (Notting Hill Carnival Ltd/Carnival Village Trust), the councils (RBKC and Westminster), the stewarding contractor (McKenzie Arnold) and the Metropolitan Police.

Some points to remember. The meeting is usually packed, so get to the Tab in good time.

Think about what you’re going to say before you get to the hall. Two hours is never long enough to get through all the comments and questions, so keep to one point and make it clearly, firmly and politely. Two sentences should be enough.

There are always a few who waste everyone’s time by going on ego trips and releasing all the bats in their belfry, but long, rambling speeches play into the hands of those who’d rather not be answering serious questions.

It doesn’t all have to be negative, so do give praise where it’s due too.

One final point: last year there was an undercover journalist from the Daily Mail – a paper and website not known for its sympathetic attitude towards Carnival. In our report of the meeting, Soca News highlighted several examples of misreporting and bias by the Mail. Just be aware that everyone attending will potentially be under scrutiny by the media.

If you weren’t able to make your point by 9pm, ask the relevant panel member for their contact details and arrange to meet or call them afterwards.

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